We are in Corsica…
We were finally able to repair the engine and leave Porquerolles to go and install the dinghy lifting system in Hyères. Tuesday in the afternoon, they assembled the system, but we couldn’t put the solar panels on. At 9 o’clock in the evening, we left for Corsica. The second night shift was my mother and me. The atmosphere was incredible. I was looking at the stars, and phosphorescent jellyfish that passed behind the boat. We talked about the world and other things. The watch lasted until 4:30, my mother went to bed, but I stayed awake to take part in my brother’s watch and also to be there at the sunrise.
But during the next day, the wind fell very low. Instead of arriving at 9pm, we arrived at 2am. On the way, we saw about twenty dolphins which were unfortunately too far away to be photographed. And the rest of the journey, we were terribly bored. The next morning, I woke up, went out … and I was in Corsica.