Sailing Illika
we like food

we like food

The challenge of boat cuisine

Cooking on a sailing boat is not always easy. But hey, it’s more rewarding to make something nice out of nothing in uncomfortable positions and with very little workspace. As my sister in law used to say about spending holidays in a caravan: it’s just like moving your household, but much more complicated. Which means for living in a boat: multiply the problems x 4 at least!

Mostly it’s me doing the cooking, but as the months go by, the boys are getting quite good at cooking, creating new things, coming up with ideas and they both like cooking and baking. This is great!

Until we got to Cape Verde, the choice of ingredience found in the supermarkets was good. Even in the North African countries we normally found all we needed. Obviously not very special and specific things, but all the basics. One exception was the milk and sugar shortage in Tunisia!

Now, Cape Verde is a different thing: for one the vegetables and fruit are not very varied and for two they’re often already gone early in the morning (for local things) or the day after the “food boat” arrived (for goods from the other islands or international foods). On top of that, we were so spoilt in North Africa with the low prices for fruit and vegetables, and as a result very shocked about the high prices of fresh food on the islands of Cape Verde. The “supermarkets” are just little shops with basic products which limits our menu drastically!

We’re curious to find out how it is in Senegal and Gambia!

on puise dans nos dernières réserves – we attack our last reserves

Viennes en cage par Alexander – sausage rolls by Alexander

Quiche maison à la courgette et jambon – Home made courgette quiche

Pâte au pesto, le favoris des garçons – Pasta with pesto, the boys favourite

Pain bateau aux graines – Seedy boat bread

poké bowl végétarien, déco par Alexander – végétarian poké bowl decorated by Alexander

pâte à gateau maison – home made pastry dough

salade niçoise by Oliver – Oliver’s niçoise salad

Bric à l’oeuf et brochette de poulpe au restaurant n.b! – typical egg bric and octopus brochette in a restaurant n.b!


NOTRE bonite marinée au citron vert, gingembr, et sauce soja – OUR Bonite marinated in ginger, lime and soja sauce

Délicieux tartare de bonite préparée par Oliver – Oliver’s delicious bonite tartare

Les fameux biscuits de ma Grand-mère / Granny’s famous oatmeal biscuits

Turbot sauce fondu poivron-poireaux / Turbot on melted leek-bellpepper sauce

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